Hi, I'm Brooke. Brooke Story to be precise... hence the title of my blog. I'm a born and raised
Southern girl that is hanging onto my twenties by a thread.
I grew up a PK (preacher's kid) and despite what they all say about us I am not nearly
love inappropriate humor, laugh at things that aren't supposed to be funny, am so girlie on the outside,
but completely different on the inside. I hate drama. I don't do caddy. Love rap music and dancing.
I eat the most unhealthy foods and never exercise and somehow by God's grace remain thin. I don't like cake... please give me chocolate or cookies. The domestic gene skipped a generation with me...
cooking, cleaning, a husband, and babies have never been a huge priority in my life.
I am terrified to a level I can't explain of roaches and possums. I am painfully indecisive.
cooking, cleaning, a husband, and babies have never been a huge priority in my life.
I am terrified to a level I can't explain of roaches and possums. I am painfully indecisive.
I detest the smell and taste of mint. Somehow when people are around me conversations of poo
happen. TMI? Ok, I will stop.
The things I love most in life are God, traveling, family and friends, my sweet maltipoo Millie and
creepy cat Harley.
I've been a Christian since the age of 9, but didn't truly grasp what being a follower of Christ
looked like and meant until I was in my early twenties. I am passionate about Jesus and want to live
my life for Him. I am a sinner saved by grace through faith in Christ. I'm flawed, messed up,
and in need of mercy every single day, but my prayer is that my life be centered around a person
not a religion, not a church, not a bible study, or a check list of things that good Christian people do, but that I have a genuine love relationship with the God that constantly pursues me and loves me
when I have never deserved it.
I started this blog because I love beauty. I have since I was a little girl. I am in NO way an expert or pretend to know everything about make-up. I never went to beauty school or took classes or anything
like that. I'm just a girl who has a passion for beauty trends and products and these are my honest
opinions and reviews. I hope you will enjoy reading and hopefully learn something you
didn't already know.
Welcome to my blog!
looked like and meant until I was in my early twenties. I am passionate about Jesus and want to live
my life for Him. I am a sinner saved by grace through faith in Christ. I'm flawed, messed up,
and in need of mercy every single day, but my prayer is that my life be centered around a person
not a religion, not a church, not a bible study, or a check list of things that good Christian people do, but that I have a genuine love relationship with the God that constantly pursues me and loves me
when I have never deserved it.
I started this blog because I love beauty. I have since I was a little girl. I am in NO way an expert or pretend to know everything about make-up. I never went to beauty school or took classes or anything
like that. I'm just a girl who has a passion for beauty trends and products and these are my honest
opinions and reviews. I hope you will enjoy reading and hopefully learn something you
didn't already know.
Welcome to my blog!